Thursday, September 8, 2016

Article Review

In the article, "How to Ruin a Great Design" by Alice Rawsthon, it tells us about designs of some of London's traffic signs. In the beginning of the article they call the design of the road signs "A crime against design", how they are unsafe, Don;t work properly, or just even unnecessarily complex. It goes on to talk about the "Diverted Cyclists" sign and how the D in diverted is too big and makes the sign looks clumsy and people won't be able to read the whole sign cause of it. Later down the article It talks about how UPS decided to replace the wonderful logo designed by Paul Rand with a bland logo instead. Then also talks about how the chairs at McDonald's were bland enough that is embarassed McDonald's. The article talks about various' "Crimes against designs" From the London's Traffic road signs to even McDonald's chairs. It goes to show how much people judged based on the design of things that we use in our daily lives.

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